
Shank Adapters for Diamond Drills

used to create conical holes, expanding existing holes, breaking corners and chamfering holes and polishing existing holes in a large variety of materials. Available from stock in many specifications and we can also custom manufacture to fit almost any application/requirement.  Multi-Layered Electroplated Diamond Countersinks are designed for countersinking operation in materials such as Glass, Quartz, Composites, Graphite Epoxy, Carbon, Boron, Fiberglass, Marble, and many other materials.

SMART CUT® Drilling Templates

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Water Swivel Adapters

Water Swivel Adapters (also known as drill head assemblies) are to supply high water, coolant, or air through the center of your diamond drills. Water Swivel Adapters/Drill Head Assemblies cools both diamond drills and material in zone of drilling. Water swivel adapters fit just about any type of drilling equipment and available with different threads and mountings. These can be used with diamond tools, not just hollow core drills. Using a water swivel adapter is highly recommended for most diamond drilling applications. Please See Advantages of using water swivel adapters below